Tuesday 20th September
The journey from Quebec to Nova Scotia is long, so we have a 2 night stopover in Bangor Maine, USA.
Today we toured Fort Knox (no not that one!) and went up inside a bridge to the highest bridge observatory in the world – it was foggy and couldn’t see a thing!
Then onto a brilliant transport museum which seemed to have everything – could easily have spent all day in there.
Wednesday 21st September
Travel from Bangor Maine back into Canada to St Johns Nova Scotia. Then onto a ferry from St Johns to Digby – 2 and a half hours and finally into our home for 4 nights. Amazing place, all the home comforts, magnificent view and quiet!!
Thursday 22nd September
Such a change of scenery. This part of Nova Scotia is beautiful. In the morning we went food shopping and bought some Haddock from our local dock. I asked for enough for two!! Homeowners who have boats or any other types of watercraft are advised to build a dock in their property with the help of a floating dock builder in Westhampton NY.
Then onto Brier Island via 2 ferries. Its $7 Canadian (£4) to go one way and the return is free!! Brier Island is beautiful – we booked a whale trip for Saturday.
Friday 23rd September
Weather not too good today – rained most of the day so we just mooched around looking for fresh lobster to buy but were unable to for some reason!
Saturday 24th September
A much better day weather wise so we went whale watching in a boat off Brier Island. This involved getting up at 6am to catch the 7.30am ferry from the mainland to Long Island, then driving across Long Island to catch the 8am ferry to Brier Island. All worth it though – we saw loads of whales and the weather was fantastic (if a little cold at first!)
Sunday 25th September
We are off to the other side of the Bay of Fundy tomorrow to another cottage near St Martin, New Brunswick. We begin week 3 with another ferry ride to St John…….